Hello everyone I am sad to report the outdoor layout is no more, it was not due to it not working but due to unforeseen circumstances in my life that forced me to sell off and I am still selling off all my 2 rail O scale stuff. The locomotives have all gone to good homes and I am in the process of selling the rest of the stuff on evilbay. I am leaving this blog up so it may help others to try and build outdoors with smaller scale trains. I am not totally out of the game, I plan on going back to HO scale and maybe do the FreeMo thing or TOMA Modules when I get back on my feet, setting them up to use in the Great Outdoors, only time will tell.
I will still monitor this blog and if anyone has any questions on how I was building my layout outdoors drop me a line through this blog. As far as I know I will no longer be updating this blog except for answering questions.
2 Rail O Scale In The Great Outdoors Signing Off